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Miraplacid Text Driver 4.4 Scripting Manual


Miraplacid Text Driver 4.4 Scripting Manual

Scripting and Programming Support with Miraplacid Text Driver

Miraplacid Text Driver registers itself as an ActiveX object and could be used from any scripting and OLE-compliant software.
Using this ability, you can control the printing process directly from your script or application.

Miraplacid Text Driver Scripting Object Creation

To create component, use following constructions
  • JScript: var obj = WScript.CreateObject("Miraplacid.TextDriver");
  • VBScript: set obj = WScript.CreateObject("Miraplacid.TextDriver")
  • Visual Basic: Set obj = CreateObject("Miraplacid.TextDriver")
    To enable early binding, you have to check "Miraplacid Text Driver Type Library" in "Project References" dialog and insert the following code:
    Dim obj As Miraplacid.TextDriver
    Set obj = CreateObject("Miraplacid.TextDriver")
where myscript.vbs is your script name (see sample scripts below)

Unregistered version of Miraplacid Text Driver will not show registration dialog until trial period expiration if used in autosave mode. After that, object creation will fail with appropriate message in errorinfo.

Appendix A: Object Miraplacid.TextDriver

Property Type Description
PluginID Number (Read / Write) Select format plug-in ("Output Style"), sorted by alphabet.
0 - Formatted Text
1 - Plain Text
2 - Text with Layout
3 - XML
PluginName String (Read / Write) More reliable method to select format plug-in ("Output Style").
The following values are valid:
"Formatted Text"
"Text with Layout"
"Plain Text"
DocumentName String (Read Only) Original name of the printed document
Charset Number (Read / Write) Character set (codepage number)
437 - OEM American DOS
850 - OEM Latin-1 DOS
852 - OEM Eastern Europe DOS
866 - OEM Cyrillic DOS
932 - Japanese
936 - Chinese (Simplified")
949 - Korean
950 - Chinese (Traditional)"
1250 - ANSI Latin-1 Windows
1251 - ANSI Cyrillic Windows
1252 - ANSI Eastern Europe Windows
1257 - ANSI Baltic Windows
UnixEOL Number (Read / Write) End Of Line style
0 means "Windows" EOL style (\r\n or 0x0D, 0x0A)
1 means "UNIX" EOL style (\n or 0x0A)
AutoSave Number (Read / Write) 0 - interactive mode; 1 - Process and Auto-send to the specified destinations
Delim String (Read / Write) Delimiter string for Plain Text plug-in
Pages String Collection (Read only) Collection of text pages extracted
PluginNames String Collection (Read Only) List of installed format plug-ins (XML, Plain Text and so on)
TotalPages Number (Read Only) Total estimated amount of pages in current print job
JobStatus Number (Read Only) 0 - Created, 0001b - Opened, 0010b - Printed, 0100b - RequestedPagePrepared, 1000b - Aborted
Transport String (Read / Write) Selected Transport Plug-in names. If more than one transport plug-in selected, names should be comma delimited.
TransportPluginNames String Collection (Read Only) List of installed transport plug-ins (File, FTP and so on)
TransportParam VARIANT(String PluginName, String ParameterName) (Read / Write) Transport Plug-in Parameters All the parameters for all plug-ins are listed below.
Configuration String (Read / Write) Name of the currently selected profile
Configurations String Collection (Read Only) List of all saved profiles, including "Defualt".
PrinterName String (Read Only) Name of Miraplacid Text Driver printer to use for switching to Text Driver in scripts
Method Parameters Description
UpdatePage Number n, String s Replace contents of nth page by s.
CancelJob None Cancel current Print Job
CancelAllJobs None Cancel all jobs for this printer
SaveConfiguration String Save Current Configuration under specified name
DeleteConfiguration String Delete Current Configuration with specified name
SaveAllPages None Send All through selected Transport Plug-Ins
Stop None Unloads plug-ins, get ready for unloading from memory. System will unload Miraplacid Text Driver core form memory with 2-5 seconds delay. We recommend you to add this method call at the end of each script.

Miraplacid Text Driver Send To (Transport plug-ins) parameters

To query or modify Transport plug-in parameters, use TransportParam property of Miraplacid Text Driver object.

Property Type Description
path String Destination File Path. {{PAGE}}, {{JOB}}, {{IDENTITY}}, {{DATE}}, {{TIME}} supported.
filename String Destination File Name. {{PAGE}}, {{JOB}}, {{IDENTITY}}, {{DATE}}, {{TIME}} supported.
open Number Opens result image file with post-processor.
hide Number 0 = show post-processor window. 1 = hide post-processor window. Ignored if open=0.
exec String Post-processor filename with full path. Ignored if open=0.
param String additional parameters for post-processor. Ignored if open=0.
setfilename Number Set it to 0 if you wish to specify filename. Set it to 1 if you Miraplacid Text Driver to use original document name as a file name. Ignored if open=0.
append Number Set it to 0 if you wish to overwrite resulting file. Set it to 1 if you wish to append current result to a previous file.
pagebreak Number Set it to 1 if you wish to to separate pages from each other by pagebreak symbol (0xC).
Property Type Description
url String Destination FTP directory URL.
file String Destination File Name. {{PAGE}}, {{JOB}}, {{IDENTITY}}, {{DATE}}, {{TIME}} supported.
passive Number 0 = FTP passive mode OFF. 1 = FTP passive mode ON.
user String FTP server username.
password String FTP server password.
setfilename Number Set it to 0 if you wish to specify filename. Set it to 1 if you Miraplacid Text Driver to use original document name as a file name. Ignored if open=0.
pagebreak Number Set it to 1 if you wish to to separate pages from each other by pagebreak symbol (0xC).
Property Type Description
url String Destination HTTP URL.
file String Destination File Name.
put Number 0 = use POST method. 1 = use PUT method.
user String username.
password String password.
setfilename Number Set it to 0 if you wish to specify filename. Set it to 1 if you Miraplacid Text Driver to use original document name as a file name. Ignored if open=0.
pagebreak Number Set it to 1 if you wish to to separate pages from each other by pagebreak symbol (0xC).
Property Type Description
printer Number Printer number. Depends on printers installed in your system. Please start Miraplacid Text Driver and check Printer drop-down for Send To: Printer. Default printer will have index 0, others will have further numbers, as shown in drop-down box.
font Number 1 - use default font. 0 - select custom font.

You can change the default font by changing the file mtdcfg.ini.

Key Description
Facename String that specifies the name of the font.For example "Arial".
Charset The possible significances of this key were described above.
Strikeout Specifies a strikeout font if set to 1.
Underline Specifies an underlined font if set to 1.
Height Specifies a height for a font with a specified point size.
Italic Specifies an italic font if set to 1.
Weight Specifies the weight of the font in the range 0 through 1000.The following values are defined for convenience.

100 - THIN
300 - LIGHT
400 - NORMAL
500 - MEDIUM
700 - BOLD
900 - BLACK
Except these settings, mtdcfg.ini contains redirect options for each user, saved in [redirect] section.

Appendix B: Sample script on JScript

' Miraplacid Text Driver 4.4 :: Printing from MS Word Example (JScript)
var word = WScript.CreateObject("Word.Application");

// Get active printer name
// WScript.Echo("Printer: '"+word.ActivePrinter+"'");

word.ActivePrinter="Miraplacid Text Driver";

var prn = WScript.CreateObject("Miraplacid.TextDriver");

prn.AutoSave=1;  // Turn AutoSend ON
prn.Charset=5;   // Unicode
prn.UnixEOL=0;  // Windows eof
prn.PluginID=2; // Set plug-in
prn.Delim="zzz"; // delimiter string

prn.Transport="FTP,HTTP,File";                                       // Set transport plug-in	
prn.TransportParam("FTP","url")="ftp://main";                        // Set URL for FTP	
prn.TransportParam("FTP","file")="Page_{{PAGE}}";                    // Set filename for FTP	
prn.TransportParam("FTP","user")="name";                             // Set username for FTP	
prn.TransportParam("FTP","password")="pass";                         // Set password for FTP	
prn.TransportParam("HTTP","url")="http://site.com/puts";             // Set URL for HTTP
prn.TransportParam("HTTP","file")="Page_{{PAGE}}";                   // Set filename for HTTP
prn.TransportParam("HTTP","user")="name";                            // Set username for HTTP	
prn.TransportParam("HTTP","password")="pass";                        // Set password for HTTP
prn.TransportParam("HTTP","put")=1;                                  // Set Put method for HTTP
prn.TransportParam("File","setfilename")=0;                          // Set custom filename
prn.TransportParam("File","append")=1;                               // Set append method
prn.TransportParam("File","path")="c:\\doc_{{DATE}}";                // Set directory for File	
prn.TransportParam("File","filename")="Page_{{PAGE}}";               // Set filename for File

// Print Word document:

// Close Word document

Appendix C: Sample script on JScript

// Miraplacid Text Driver :: Printing from MS Word With Job Control Example (JScript)

word = WScript.CreateObject("Word.Application");

// Get active printer name
// WScript.Echo("Printer: '"+word.ActivePrinter+"'");

word.ActivePrinter="Miraplacid Text Driver";

prn = WScript.CreateObject("Miraplacid.TextDriver");

prn.AutoSave=1;  // Turn AutoSend ON
prn.Charset=5;   // Unicode
prn.UnixEOL=0;  // Windows eof
prn.PluginTD=2; // Set plug-in
prn.Delim="zzz"; // delimiter string

prn.Transport="FTP,File";			  	    // Set transport plug-in	
prn.TransportParam("FTP","url")="ftp://main";	  	    // Set URL for FTP	
prn.TransportParam("FTP","file")="Page_{{PAGE}}"; 	    // Set filename for FTP	
prn.TransportParam("FTP","user")="name";	  	    // Set username for FTP	
prn.TransportParam("FTP","password")="pass";	  	    // Set password for FTP	
prn.TransportParam("File","path")="c:\\doc_{{DATE}}";	    // Set directory for File	
prn.TransportParam("File","setfilename")=0;	             // Set custom filename 
prn.TransportParam("File","append")=1;                     // Set append method
prn.TransportParam("File","filename")="Page_{{PAGE}}";	    // Set filename for File
prn.TransportParam("File","open")=1;	   		    // Set Postprocessor
prn.TransportParam("File","exec")="notepad.exe";	    // Set Postprocessor name
prn.TransportParam("File","hide")=0;	 	             // Set visible window

// Print Word document:

while (0 == (prn.JobStatus & 4)) {
	WScript.Echo("Waiting for Start... "+prn.JobStatus); 

while (0 != (prn.JobStatus & 4)) {
	WScript.Echo("Waiting for End... "+prn.JobStatus);


// Close Word document

Appendix D: PostProcessing:

You can setup Miraplacid Text Driver 4.4 to launch an application to handle the results of text generation process.
Select Send To: File, check "Open with" checkbox and specify post-processor application.
For example, you can execute notepad.exe,using the following settings:

path: "c:\"
filename: "textout.txt"
Open With: "notepad.exe"
Parameters: ""

Quotation marks are necessary when file name or path contains space characters.
Or, you can set up a viewer to open result text file for every printed page.You must add tag {{PAGE}} in filename textbox.

path: "c:\"
filename: "textout{{PAGE}}.txt"
Open With: "notepad.exe"
Parameters: ""

Notice that applications and files you use in post-processing should be specified with full path.

See also:

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